What happens during a session?
In a typical session, verbal-cognitive exchanges between therapist and client alternate with listening to the body.
The verbal exchange takes precedence, but the therapist always remains sensitive to your body language and its messages, and helps you become aware of it.
To support you on your journey, many tools can be used besides those used in Integrative Body Psychotherapy. Movement, breathing techniques, the exploration of personal space, body anchoring, mindfulness, role-plays, the use of symbols, writing, visualisation, relaxation techniques, games and voice work can all be employed.
Which of these tools are used depends on how the session progresses. What is most important is that your experience with the therapist is supportive, reassuring and adjusted to your needs. The approach aims to encourage a feeling of inner openness, and is always adapted according to the type of work that is taken on, as well as your needs and sensitivity.
Online sessions are generally done over Skype. For the quality of the exchange and interaction, it is recommended to be connected with a computer, avoiding using a small smartphone screen. This is to insure you to be comfortably installed, trunk and face clearly visible, and at the same time to allow you to see me without effort.