Who am I?
Caroline Hainaut
Alongside a 20-year career dancing with the Saarlandische Stadstheater and the Ballet of Monte Carlo amongst others, I directed several choreographic productions in Belgium and abroad, before retraining to provide psychological, physical and spiritual support.
After a personal journey in which I discovered psychoanalysis, systemic approach, family constellations and Reich’s Bioenergetic analysis, I trained in Integrative Body Psychotherapy at the IPCI (Institut de Psychologie Corporelle Intégrative - Dr Jack Lee Rosenberg). As a certified therapist, I accompany you on your journey towards greater freedom and authenticity and the ability to make life choices in harmony with your deepest self.
I have taught meditation and Yoga for fifteen years. As a professional dancer my body was put under a lot of strain - this has helped me to understand it more fully and has also made me particularly sensitive to treating the body and mind with great respect. After leading group sessions for ten years, it seemed an obvious step for me to start giving individual lessons, as it allows for a deeper and more targeted approach.
I have practised the Alexander Technique intensively as well as the Feldenkrais Technique, Qi Gong, Body Mind Centering, the Release Technique, voice and mindfulness. All these techniques have been invaluable to me on my physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual journey. Today I continue to deepen my knowledge by regularly following training sessions, seminars and going on retreats.